Financial Assistance & Insurance
Costs related to breast cancer care can quickly become a financial burden. Dealing with finances and insurance can be overwhelming.
Below you’ll find resources to help with these concerns.
Financial Assistance
Find information about financial assistance programs, including those for prescription drugs and other medical costs, transportation, lodging, and child and elder care.
Susan G. Komen® offers the Komen Financial Assistance Program to eligible individuals undergoing breast cancer treatment at any stage or living with metastatic breast cancer (stage IV), the most advanced stage of breast cancer. To learn more about this program, please VISIT US here. Se habla español. |
Learn about insurance options and find organizations that offer help with insurance questions or issues, such as if a claim is denied.
Susan G. Komen® Patient Care Center |
Do you need help? We’re here for you. The Komen Patient Care Center is your trusted, go-to source for timely, accurate breast health and breast cancer information, services and resources. Our navigators offer free, personalized support to patients, caregivers and family members, including education, emotional support, financial assistance, help accessing care and more. Get connected to a Komen navigator by contacting the Breast Care Helpline at 1-877-465-6636 or email to get started. All calls are answered Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m to 7 p.m. ET and Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. Se habla español. |
Updated 12/28/23