Stories about breast cancer that can inspire and inform

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Capturing Sunsets: Finding Beauty and Hope in Every Moment

Navigating a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment can bring a wide range of emotions. The physical and mental toll is often overwhelming, and it can be difficult to find moments of peace and positivity. However, through these challenges, there are countless stories of resilience, hope and faith that inspire.  

Photo provided by Mary 

National Capture the Sunset Week encourages people to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of sunsets, which symbolize the promise of a new beginning. For breast cancer survivors, the ways in which they capture these metaphorical sunsets come in all forms. From long walks to positive affirmations, moments of reflection can be a source of strength and inspiration for someone navigating breast cancer. Here are some ways those living with breast cancer have captured the sunsets in their lives: 

  • “I capture the sunsets in every good laugh. Laughs are magical. If I pause to truly take in the moment, without distraction, I naturally take a breath and feel better. If you’re lucky, you don’t have to wait long for the next laugh!”Ellen 
  • I capture the sunsets by appreciating the world around me, all of the nature and wildlife. I live in the present and enjoy each moment.”Mary 
  • “Through my cancer diagnosis and treatment, I’ve found ways to capture the sunsets by prioritizing family vacations, taking trips with my husband, enjoying simple pleasures like bike rides or spending time with friends. Slowing down has allowed me to appreciate moments like checking in with loved ones, taking wellness classes and finding joy in our travels and boating.”Cyndi 
  • “Although sometimes my days are challenging, I always keep in mind that tomorrow is a new day.”Dena 
  • “Since my diagnosis and successful treatment, I see the beauty of the sunset in all my days, dawn to dusk. I love the vibrance of the light, the rosy pinks, deep reds, the blues and the purples, in everything around me. I take none of it for granted.”—Megan 
  • “Breast cancer is no picnic, but certainly worth the outcome when you beat it! Keep your focus on one day at a time. Be thankful for each moment and treasure those you love. Life is a gift.” Rhonda 
  • “I let the warm glow from each sunset lift my spirits up into the sunrise of a new day.”Lori 
Photo provided by Megan

Whether it’s watching a sunset, spending time with loved ones or simply enjoying a quiet moment of reflection, these small yet significant moments can provide comfort and hope. 

Komen offers a variety of support options to help people cope with a breast cancer diagnosis. From our Real Pink podcast to our Patient Care Center to a space to share stories, there is a wealth of information available to help people through their experience so they can spend time capturing more sunsets in whatever way that feels right. 

The Komen Patient Care Center can help meet the needs of anyone impacted by breast cancer.  Our navigators offer free, personalized navigation services to patients, caregivers and family members, including breast health and breast cancer information, access to services and resources, emotional support and more.  Get connected with a Komen navigator at 1-877-GO KOMEN or

Through our Patient Care Center, we provide:

  • We provide information and educational resources about breast cancer screening and treatment options.
  • We help you better understand your breast cancer diagnosis.  
  • We connect you with resources and financial support.  
  • We provide emotional support. 
  • We hold your hand every step of the way throughout your experience.