Sponsored Programs and Partnerships(2)
In addition to the Research Programs grants portfolio, Komen also funds other highly strategic awards through its Scientific Grants Programs. These are special research and other projects, programs and services that leverage research and community resources to facilitate the development of the infrastructure, tools, and other means to accelerate the translation of scientific discoveries from bench to bedside to curbside. Some examples of these programs and projects include:
The Scientific Advisory Board and Komen Scholars
Collectively, the Scientific Advisory Board and Komen Scholars help to drive Komen’s research agenda. As the largest private funder of breast cancer research in the world, we depend on the top scientific minds in the field to help us make the most of every dollar we invest in our grants portfolio.
Komen Advocates in Science
Komen’s Advocates in Science are an inclusive community of dedicated volunteer advocates who are passionate about breast cancer research. Leading experts in the field help facilitate their involvement in research advocacy.
The Susan G. Komen® Tissue Bank at the IU Simon Cancer Center
The Susan G. Komen® Tissue Bank, is the only healthy breast tissue repository in the world! By studying normal tissue, we accelerate research for the causes and prevention of breast cancer. To read more about this important work, visit the Susan G. Komen® Tissue Bank at the IU Simon Cancer Center website.
In 2008, Komen committed an astounding $10 million to a partnership with ASCO, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, to support the Conquer Cancer Foundation, focusing on three major areas: research, quality of care and support of the annual Breast Cancer Symposium.
Komen has been collaborating with AACR, the American Association for Cancer Research since 2007, investing nearly $6 million in conference support and educational programming.
Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium
Komen has also been supporting The Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium (TBCRC), a collaboration of 16 research centers that tests novel, laboratory-based strategies, but also attempt to understand the underlying cause and biology of breast cancer.
Conferences for Researchers, Survivors and Advocates
Susan G. Komen has been granting travel scholarships and other conference support to many meetings across the globe that help survivors get the most up to date information, interact with others who have shared experiences and bring the top researchers together to share information. These include: C4YW (Conference for Young Women), Annual Conference for Women Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer, the Metastatic Breast Cancer Network’s National Conference, and ABC2 (Advanced Breast Cancer Second International Consensus Conference).