Angelica Roa
As an exception to the rest of the survivors I am Mexican, what I have learned is that breast Cancer does not respect any age, social status, believes or ethnicity … just to be a woman puts you in risk.
Sharing your personal story can provide solace to yourself and inspire, motivate or comfort others.
When I was diagnosed with breast Cancer the first thing it came to my mind was my daughter, what would happen to her if something happen to me? She was in preschool when this happened. Seeing her so little make this situation more difficult to me. I just keep asking myself Why me? She needs me!!
From that moment on I kept a positive attitude, focusing all my energy to recover my health.
Once chemotherapy started, I remember how my hair started falling out little by little. This was a tremendous impact to me because it really affected my self-esteem. How can I go on with my normal life, going to work like that or taking my little girl to school.
It is amazing how life can change after this.
Then It arrive the date for my surgery, this was another difficult step since I knew I had to lose a part of my body to win this battle and finally that bad prognostic because of my age, I could survive the illness. I thank God because he listened to my praying. I also have to mention how supportive my oncologist Pedro was, he mentioned several times “You have won lottery but not in a lucky way, you are 1 out of 50 patients I see with this kind of cancer”
All these experiences left me the greatest lesson: I owe life and It is not going to be Cancer who writes my final chapter; so it is the time to act!, no more weeping, let’s work helping women and children with cancer. We are all survivors working together organizing different activities of fundraising to help people with this terrible disease.
I would like to finish with this message and also give thanks for all the support received: “ Always remember spending time with your loved ones because they will not be with us forever; Always remember to say nice words to people who admire you, Remember to hug the people who is beside you, because that is the only treasure you have that can be offered to others from your heart and it is priceless… “ Always remember to say I love you, to your couple, to the loved ones, feel a real hug and kiss , it can really heal any pain when you give it to someone from your heart. Always remember to hold hands and appreciate the company of others because one day they could leave us, give yourself time for love, to listen ,to share your feeling with others and remember: “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away” God blesses them …