April Addison




Breast cancer chose me

I had felt a lump In my breast for a few months but I thought my milk was coming in due to me being pregnant. One day i had excruciating pain so I left my OB now about it at my 39th week appt. She examined me and sent me to get an ultrasound. During the breast ultrasound the radiologist seen some abnormal images and stated I need a biopsy. Three days later I was admitted to give birth. June 28th my ob walked in after hours to deliver the news that I had stage 2 breast cancer. I screamed and cried couldn’t understand I’m only 32! No family history of cancer. I work on a cancer floor for eleven years. The next few days while still in the hospital I met my team oncologist, plastic surgeon, and surgeon. I had a pet scan,ct scan,bone scan the cancer hadn’t spread! I completed 8 cycles of chemotherapy . Then will have surgery and radiation. On top of it all I have a two year old and two month old to care for. I take it one day at a time.
I get strength from my family and children. I have two young boys I have to live for . I would tell others to put your health first and live life.so many times we put everything else before our health. We make sure our babies go to appointments we keep them home when sick. But most of us go to work sick and never get a checkup.