Ashley Vecchione



Believe in Yourself

My story begins the same as many other women so I won’t get into all of the details as that is not my whole story. In April 2022 at age 36 I was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma of the left with metastasis axillary lymph node I was ER PR 99% positive an HER-2. On June 1st 2022 I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction surgery same day. Comes to find out my cancer did spread to my lymph nodes an I would have to undergo chemotherapy an radiation treatment after all. On July 13th I wasn’t feeling that good an ended up going to the emergency room and having my expanders taking out as they were infected with ECOLI so now I am left with being Flatt an no nipples. “this broke me into pieces hearing I can never have implants again” I then started my first round of chemotherapy on august 5th 2022 I did give up chemotherapy after 4 rounds I then started radation treatment in November 2022 a finished on January 31st 2023. I am on hormone treatment therapy now for 5 years. An I received the Lupron shot every 3 months which has been very tough on me. I also have undergone numerous medical procedures an I mean numerous. 

I have been struggling with more medical issues a follow up with my cancer treatment specialist in October for more testing an images an to see if a spot of left chest wall needs a biopsy. 

September 3rd 2024 I had a salpingo-oophorectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the ovaries and fallopian tubes. This surgery took a piece of me with it broke me into pieces knowing I can’t have children an I’m only 39 years old. “The hardest part for me is my anxiety an depression. There are days that I just want to be numb and not feel anything. Sometimes I think that maybe it would have been better if I hadn’t made it then life wouldn’t be so hard. So, instead, I move forward. I find new things to be passionate about. I reach out to other people in the community with cancer and try to help them. I scrapbook, I read, I watch my shows An spend time with my family especially my mom an dad who have been my inspiration, my motivation, an my best friends. An I couldn’t forget Rosie who saved my life when I was diagnosed but now she lives with my parents but I see her daily an can’t forget about Peetie Q they are the best dogs ever. 

I also have lymphedema which can be a struggle some days just to get out of bed but again I truly push myself to get up an feel like myself again it’s never going to be the same but one thing I have learned through my cancer diagnosis is “be as strong as you can possibly be, smile, laugh cry but never give up on your dreams.