Candy Crosby



Fight #2

I went through #1 finding out I had DCIS, then within a short time was scheduled for a biopsy waited a week for my doctor to call to tell me I DID NOT have breast cancer only to call back in a week after I asked for a second opinion to tell me I in fact DID have DCIS. I was in complete shock, I left the office with my heart at my feet. Scheduled an appointment with the oncologist then with the surgeon. Went in for the first surgery, removal of a golf ball size amount of tissue and waited a week to be told my margens were not large enough and scheduled a second surgery to take half the left breast went for that surgery to wait a week to be told margens were not large enough that it had to be completely removed. I was in complete overload/mentally, emotionally, physically. The final surgery was completed and went to see the surgeon for a weekly check up and was told I was free and clear I had beat breast cancer. Two months later I went back for another check up and then scheduled the mammogram for the right side to keep a close eye on it and it showed the exact same thing as the left did from the beginning. So here I go again. I’m scheduled for surgery on 1-20-16. For tissue removal. After the week wait if it comes back positive I will opt to have the right completely removed as it was way to much to go through the first time.