Ilona Grenzig



You Are Your Best Advocate!

My story started off very scary. I always did self exams and I found 2 lumps. I was a few months away from my yearly mammogram but knew I shouldn’t wait. I called my doctor and he sent me for mammogram. They found issues and I waited to have a sonogram. I told the doctor I felt two lumps he assured me over and over that there was only one. I persisted in telling him there were 2. He did not believe me but scheduled me for a biopsy Long story short the second lump the doctor doing the biopsy found was malignant the one the other doctor found was benign. Had I not persisted in making them find the other lump it would not have been caught early stage 1 when found. Thankfully I am 13 years cancer free!
You know your body best, always stand up for what you believe!