Jennifer Orozco




Hearing the words, “You have cancer” isn’t easy. Hi there my name is Jennifer, and I am a triple positive fighter. My journey has been long and it continues. I’ve had 6 rounds of TCHP, surgery, and will continue with 14 more rounds of chemo then radiation. Breast cancer doesn’t run in my family. This diagnosis blindsided me. Having breast cancer has taken a lot from me but it’s also taught me much more. I’ve never been more grateful for life than I am now. I stop and smell the flowers and cherish the little moments. I’ve learned to value relationships that help me grow and allow me in. I’ve learned to let go of the ones that don’t. I try to find gratitude in every day life. Do that, it helps give you strength. This journey will feel like a rollercoaster ride. With plenty of highs and lows, but never forget your strength. You had no choice but to be strong the moment you were told about your diagnosis. And although those words you have cancer may have rocked you. You’re still standing baby girl. Be proud of yourself because I’m proud of you.