Jenny Scully

Living with MBC


So there is nothing so bitter sweet as finding out you have metastatic breast cancer then 2 days later you are pregnant. Mind you, I had just broken my back about 11 months before or so and still learning how to walk and do things for myself. Now I really feel like the world is crashing in. If it wasn’t for my husband, I don’t know where I’d be today. His strength and commitment helped me tremendously. I didn’t want chemo for personal beliefs but new I had to save my baby so I took it. And other than the baby being just about 6 weeks early, she arrived strong and healthy.  There’s nothing I would have done differently. 

I hope my story helps the mothers that have been diagnosed to stay strong and fight. It’s the hardest thing you’ll ever do in your life time but you will and can do it and I’m here to help any and all who need it. There’s very few mothers out there dx then told they’re pregnant. So we are left alone with the help of no one who’s been through it like this. And it can do tremendous emotional damage without seeking help from someone like me that has been through it. I can give you a helping hand tell you my experience,  be a shoulder to cry on, and to lean on because in the end you will have a beautiful baby to hold in your hands and it will all be worth it! If interested in talking email me and we can talk or if you know any one please everyone I am here to help. Stay strong, don’t ever give up hope! My baby is now 3 years old and born on September 11th. My husband named her Irelynn. I nicknamed her Hope. I believe she is going to be the reason mothers change there minds and accept chemo as a way of saving their lives and their baby’s rather than losing 2.