Lynne Young



Lynne Young: During her childhood years, she lost many family members from breast cancer, including her mother, two aunts, and her grandmother. It wasn’t until she was diagnosed with the horrible disease herself that Young realized her risk factor was significantly higher than the average population. After six years of recovery, breast cancer touched her life again, this time through her daughter, who was diagnosed at 27 years old.

Because of Young’s cancer experiences, she is passionate about empowering those in the community, and has been a volunteer with Susan G. Komen Tidewater for 10 years. Young is the founder of Catch The Promise, a faith-based campaign movement that is dedicated to educating and empowering the community with a message of hope, encouragement, and restoration. After painfully experiencing how four generations of breast cancer affected her family, Young realized there are many hurting people who are in need of knowing how to stand through difficult situations. In a quest to reach out to high-risk communities, a song and video called “I Promise” was created. The song represents a “call to action” to encourage individuals to become their own first advocate regarding their health.