Mayrena Jones




My name is Mayrena Jones and I am a breast cancer survivor. I was diagnised with triple negative breast cancer in October 2013. I went through 5 months of chemotherapy, a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction (still in process). Before I was diagnosed in Oct., I had a mammogram in July in which nothing was found. I found the lump lotioning after a shower. Needless to say i was devistated. Once I received the call, I knew it was time to fight. One thing I always kept in mind was ‘never quit’. No matter what you keep pushing and you let others push for you when you are not physically and mentally able to do so. Through many ups and downs, I thank God for placing the right people in my path to help me get through this. To the doctors, and my friends I can not thank enough for all of the support and prayers. Most of all I thank GOD, because without him, I would not have survived. In closing, I say to all women get your mammogram and even if it nothing is seen, do your self checks. They are just as important as a mammogram!!