Nicole Williams



Why me to thank God it was me…

At the age of 35 with three small children all under the age of eight I received the call I never expected, a cancer diagnosis. as a stay at home mother my world revolved around, caring for my children, keeping up with my house and taking care of my families. Priorities after finding a small lump accidentally in my left breast while reading to my oldest, I stepped onto a carousel of diagnosis, multiple surgeries including a double mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation, medical menopause and a recurrence, all within three years. With in a week of ringing the bell the world shut down to my reality of isolation and fear of illness. 

My strength was my faith and sisterhood. Without other woman gathering around me with meal trains, prayer cards, texts messages and calls, I would have felt alone and even more scared. Support groups and talking to other people going through similar circumstances aloud a safe space to cry and be lifted up.

Soon after my own journey sharing my story publicly and church and online I found new purpose of helping others.