Pamela Christiansen
June 2015 my changed forever, felt a lump on the side of my breast, went to the Doctor had a mammogram, ultrasound and MRI to confirm Stage 3 Breast Cancer. I had a bilateral mastectomy in July and they also found cancer in my lymph nodes just on my left side. Devastated to say the least but just one day I woke up and prayed and just asked God not to take me yet and left it in his hands. from that day on I just wanted to make a difference. I found a blog from a young lady Brittney Beitel going through this same battle I was she shared her most intimate feelings and struggles but it was like therapy for me. She was ahead of me in her surgeries and her treatment so following her helped me to prepare on what to expect and then also how to handle it. I also followed and became friends with Shanna Edge and following these 2 positive women was like therapy for me, if they could do it then so could I. I started my own blog and spreading the word of early detection and just telling my story. I am the mother of 4 children along with my husband helped me become a great warrior. Last chemo was in December and last radiation was in March and so far so good. No cancer is showing up in my tumor marker tests. Everyday my body reminds me that I just fought a battle but also everyday I am getting stronger and making a difference. Thank you Susan G Komen for helping me find these remarkable young women that I followed that honestly gave me the will power, the fight and just made my journey a lot easier and in return now I am helping others.