Towina Jones
In February of 2011, at the age of 35, I found a lump in my left breast while doing my monthly self exam in the shower. As you can imagine, I was quickly gripped by fear.
However, right as fear gripped me, Holy Spirit instructed me that I wasn’t going to die. Having this promise at the beginning of this trial that I was about to face gave me something to look forward to; especially on my difficult days.
I went through all of the testing and it was determined that I had stage 2B invasive ductal carcinoma cancer. I had a mediport placed in my chest, both breast removed, chemo, radiation, lost all my hair, and had countless other side effects. It was the most difficult experience I’ve ever been through in my life.
I thank God that I am still here to testify about His goodness. By His grace, I am still here, 10 years later just as He promised. He preserved me! I will forever magnify and glorify Him! I am not only a survivor, but a thriving survivor.
Cancer taught me many lessons. It taught me that self care is extremely important. I revel in it as often as possible. I make each day count because I recognize that life truly is like a vapor. Cancer also taught me how important living with hope and faith are. I truly believe that every day can be a day of victory if we keep hope alive, walk by faith, and do what is necessary to give us the best prognosis.