Zelda Davis



A Mother’s Story of Survival

Our beautiful mother Mrs. Dorothy Gaylord was diagnosed with breast cancer after feeling a lump in her breast! She went to her Oncologist (who was a very good doctor) and she decided to have surgery to remove the cancer and then use radiation! Her doctor told my Mom and Dad he purposely went deep into her breast cavity to ensure he got all the cancer! Our beautiful mother was a 20 year breast cancer survivor! Her cancer never came back! After going to her Oncologist for 20 years for her checkups she remained cancer free! After her 20th year anniversary she graduated from having to go for her checkup! We’re so grateful for her Oncologist and his knowledge in going deeper into her breast cavity to ensure he got all the cancer so it wouldn’t come back! Throughout our Mothers journey she received all the love, care and support! Our family supported her by going on the breast cancer walks and my sister Wanda DeGay hosting Breast Cancer Awareness materials at the church and reaching out to stores and vendors such as hair salons to provide services to help make women with Cancer and survivors feel beautiful and special! Especially, ensuring they were not alone!